

Date: 8 December 2022, 11:00-18:00 CY time

Venue: UCLan Cyprus campus (Room CY013) and on MS Teams

 The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on the Rule of Law and European Values (CRoLEV) at the School of Law of the University of Central Lancashire in Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus), invites you to the 1st CRoLEV Research Day for advanced students, early career researchers, academics, professionals and members of the civil society interested in the study of the Rule of Law and European Values.

 The CRoLEV Research Day will unfold in two Parts. Registration to both parts is warranted.

 Part I: Research Themed workshop (11:00-13:00 CY time)

On the occasion of the Human Rights Day celebrated every year on 10 December and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the CRoLEV Team invites you to a research themed workshop on “Rule of Law, Human Rights and Climate Justice” delivered by Dr Henrik Andersen, Senior Visiting Fellow on the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus. Dr Henrik Andersen is also a member of the CRoLEV Scientific Advisory Board.


 11:00-11:10 (CY time) ‘CRoLEV and its relevance to the Rule of Law, Human Rights and Climate Justice’ by Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Professor of European Law and Reform, Head of School, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Director

 11:10-11:30 (CY time) ‘The Rule of Law and European Values: Beyond the State-of-the-Art Analysis’ by Dr Katerina Kalaitzaki, Lecturer in EU Business Law, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Senior Researcher and Dr Andreas Marcou, Lecturer in EU Law and Theory, LLB Deputy Course Leader, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Chief Researcher and Project Manager

11:30-12:15 (CY time) ‘The Rule of Law, Human Rights and Climate Justice’, by Dr Henrik Andersen, Senior Visiting Fellow on the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus

12:15-12:55 (CY time) Roundtable Discussion

12:55-13:00 (CY time) Conclusion

13:00-14:00 (CY time) Free lunch will be offered to all participants at UCLan Cyprus campus

 CPD points will be available for Part I

Part II: CRoLEV Interdisciplinary Research Workshop

CRoLEV has a series of research objectives that require varied methodologies. CRoLEV is committed to interdisciplinary research as it aims to use methodologies associated with different disciplines. The Centre intends to use empirical methodologies to collect data relevant to some of those research objectives, but it will also employ doctrinal methodologies to address other objectives. Studying the rule of law and European Values, which are multifaceted ideals touching on different parts of social life, requires the use of broad and flexible methodologies.


 14:00-14:45 (CY time) ‘The Future of Doctoral Education’ by Dr Andrea Ferguson, Head of the Graduate Research School, UCLan

Moderated by Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Professor of European Law and Reform, Head of School, School of Law, and Research and Innovation Chair, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Director

14:45-15:30 (CY time) ‘Research Ethics Considerations’, by Dr Josephina Antoniou, Associate Professor in Computing and Research Degree Tutor, School of Sciences, and Ethics Committee Chair, UCLan Cyprus

Moderated by Dr Henrik Andersen, Senior Visiting Fellow on the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus

15:30-15:45 (CY time) Coffee break

15:45-16:30 (CY time) ‘Thesis writing’ by Dr Lida Pitsillidou, Lecturer in Company Law and Corporate Governance and Research Degree Tutor, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus

Moderated by Dr Henrik Andersen, Senior Visiting Fellow on the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus

16:30-17:15 (CY time) ‘Analysing and presenting data’ by Dr Ioanna Stylianou, Assistant Professor in Statistics and Economics, Deputy Head and Research Degree Tutor, School of Business and Management, UCLan Cyprus

Moderated by Dr Henrik Andersen, Senior Visiting Fellow on the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus

 17:15-18:00 (CY time) ‘CRoLEV Methodologies’ by Dr Katerina Kalaitzaki, Lecturer in EU Business Law, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Senior Researcher and Dr Andreas Marcou, Lecturer in EU Law and Theory, LLB Deputy Course Leader, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Chief Researcher and Project Manager

Moderated by Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou, Professor of European Law and Reform, Head of School, School of Law, and Research and Innovation Chair, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Director


To register for this free event, please visit the link here.


With the generous support of CRoLEV at UCLan Cyprus, a limited number of bursaries are available for PhD students wishing to attend the event in person. If you are interested in the bursaries, please send your CV together with a short cover letter explaining your reasons for applying to by 5 December 2022.

For further information, send an email to the CRoLEV team at or visit

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