
The Rule of Law and European Values in the modern ages: Responses to terrorism and other illicit activities in Europe

The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus is pleased to announce a forthcoming online intensive course (via MS Teams) on Responses to terrorism and other illicit activities in Europe in the CRoLEV Intensive Course Series entitled “The Rule of Law and European Values in the modern ages”.

This 10-hour online course has one overarching aim – to consider the rationale behind, legal basis and legal consequences of the responses to these illicit activities at the national, regional, pan-European and global levels. Accordingly, the course seeks to familiarise participants with the rule of law and other key concepts in regular use within or beyond the relevant literature. The course introduces a series of instructive case studies on terrorism, other illicit activities and the responses to them.

More specifically, the course will cover the following five themes in each of the five 2-hour online sessions:

  • Emerging threats to the rule of law and other European values in the UK and the EU: An Overview
  • Countering terrorism in the UK and the EU: Is the Eastern Mediterranean the ‘Achilles Heel’ of Europe?
  • Countering illicit financial activities in the UK and the EU: Is the Eastern Mediterranean the ‘Trojan Horse’of Europe?
  • Countering human trafficking and smuggling in Europe: the case of Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Prosecuting human trafficking cases in Cyprus: challenges and lessons learned


31 May 2023, 15:00-17:00 EEST

07 June 2023, 15:00-17:00 EEST

14 June 2023, 15:00-17:00 EEST

28 June 2023, 15:00-17:00 EEST

05 July 2023, 15:00-17:00 EEST

UCLan Cyprus, through its Law School, is an accredited provider of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes under the relevant Cyprus Bar Association scheme. This Course is designed for the continuous professional development (CPD) of young and other professionals in Cyprus and internationally. CPD points will be available for each day of participation.

Module Tutors

 Dr Klearchos Kyriakides

Senior Visiting Fellow of English Law and Legal Practice, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus

Dr Demetra Loizou

Lecturer in International Criminal Law and Humanitarian Law, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus


To register to this free event, please click here.

For more information, send an email to the CRoLEV team at or visit


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